Signatories : : : :

Menningar- og friðarsamtökin MFÍK


Union des Femmes Islandaises pour la Paix et la Culture - The Icelandic Women’s Union for Culture and Peace
MFÍK is the oldest Icelandic peace organization, active since 1951.

MFÍK is a grass-root organization, an NGO totally unbound to the government, political parties or any other bodies, whether organizational, monetary or otherwise. MFÍK works for: World peace and disarmament. – Small nations’ sovereignty and right to be free from all interference and aggression by great powers. – Iceland’s neutrality in war. – Human rights everywhere. – Friendship of all women. – Protection and rights of children. – Promotion of culture for all.
MFÍK has from the start been affiliated to the Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF) which unites 600 associations from 104 countries and has UNESCO status B, United Nations (ECOSOC) Status 1 and is on the ILO Special List. MFÍK is a member of WIDF's European Bureau since 2002.
MFÍK members take actively part in the worldwide growing movement of those who believe in alternative solutions and the possibility of a new World of peace and equality.