Signatories : : : :

Marek Zielinski - PEACE365

United Kingdom

Petition for Peace Everyday.

Petition for Peace Everyday
To: The United Nations
We have been invited by the United Nation in paragraph 3 of the aforementioned resolution to cooperate with the United Nations in the establishment of the global ceasefire:

3. Invites all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system, regional and non-governmental organisations and individuals to commemorate, in an appropriate manner, the Intenational Day of Peace, including through education and public awareness to cooperate with the United Nations in the establishment of the global ceasefire.
Taken from Resolution 55/282. Internatonal Day of Peace, 11th plenary meeting, 7th September 2001

We would like to extend this invitation and campaign for peace for the rest of the days in the year,

We supprt Peace 365.