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Protecting the heart of Europe from nuclear disaster. Ken Livingstone, mayor of London, and Tadatoshi Akiba, Hiroshima mayor, sent messages of support. (added photogallery and audio record)

The October 20th First International Meeting Against New US Military Bases in the Czech Republic was co-organized by “Europe for Peace campaign” and Ne základnám (Czech no bases movement). It brought to the region of Brdy, in the heart of Europe: 86 mayors, world renowned nuclear disarmament organizations and concerned citizens from all across the continent.

Jan Neoral, mayor of Trokavec, amid waves of applause, expressed the indignation of millions of simple people who have become pawns in the maddened plans of re-accelerating the nuclear weapons’ race.

Kate Hudson, (CND), Bruce Gagnon (Global Networks against Weapons and and Nuclear Power in Space) and Pol D'Huyvetter (Mayors for Peace, Abolition 2020) moved the audience with their steadfast commitment and their eloquent explanations.

Bolivian President Evo Morales and Ken Livingstone, mayor of London, sent messages of support. Hiroshima mayor, Tadatoshi Akiba’s video-message cut across time and space. There was grief for all the futile, senseless destruction now threatening humanity once again.

Spokesperson of New Humanism in Europe, Giorgio Schultze, voiced the sensible demands of all attendants, those who will truly guarantee world security: removal invading troops, UN supervised dismantling of nuclear arsenals, restoration of occupied territories.

In the afternoon, six round tables allowed participants to make common plans for future actions. The atmosphere of hope and unity which pervaded the hall, strengthened the resolve of all those committed to protecting the heart of Europe from nuclear disaster.

Prague, 10.20.2007

Video: Akiba's message

Message from Ken Livingstone - Mayor of London

"I strongly support the campaign against the planned US missile system radar base. I believe it is the right of the Czech people to decide what is in their national interest.

The US are wasting billions on weapons of mass destruction, retaining and renewing their nuclear arsenal, and wars in the Middle East; whilst also demanding that other nations are prevented from arming: this is extremely hypocritical. The vast expenditure used on weapons and war would be better used for more progressive purposes such as protecting the people of New Orleans by building robust storm defences or investing in the prevention of catastrophic climate change.

In the United Kingdom, the government has recently voted to replace its Trident nuclear weapons system, which as a lifelong member of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and a Mayor for Peace I fought against. Like the people of the Czech Republic, the majority of Londoners opposed this. In public opinion polls commissioned over the last 18 months, nearly two thirds (69 per cent) of people believe the government should support an international convention banning nuclear weapons.

The Cold War is long over and nuclear weapons do not deter terrorists, as Tony Blair has admitted and as Londoners know to their cost. They do not prevent wars and they offer no protection against the modern threat of terrorism.”

I wish you every success for the conference, which is committed to working towards peace and justice.

Thank you again for the invitation.


  • Audio record
  • I. Opening speeches:

Giorgio Schultze (Europe for Peace, Italy)

Jan Tamáš (spokesman of Not to Bases initiavie, chairman of Humanist party

Welcome to Czech Parliament members

Jan Májíček (spokesman of Not to Bases)

Jan Neoral (Mayors' league)

Kate Hudson (Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament, UK)

Pol D'Huyvetter (Mayors for Peace, Abolition 2020, Belgium)

Message from Ken Livingstone (Mayor of London)

Message from Tadatoshi Akiba (mayor of Hiroshima)

Message from Evo Morales (President of Bolivia)

  • II. Conclusions of the working groups:

Bruce Gagnon (Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, USA)

Formal democracy versus real democracy

Non-violent means of resistance to wars and to the arms-race

The necessity of nuclear disarmament

The USA missile defence shield WHY?

The militarisation of Europe

Mayors for Peace

  • III. Closing speeches:
Josef Řihák (coordinator of Mayors' League, Mayor of Pribram, member of the Czech Parliament)

Jan Májíček (No to Bases)

Jan Tamáš (No to Bases)

Giorgio Schultze (Europe for Peace, Italy)